Friday 31 March 2017

Laptop Sales And Repairs

If your laptop has any issue like corrupted operating system files, cracked screen, battery problem, memory problem, power adapter problem, freezing, hanging and virus problem or you want to replace it.We also render pickup and delivery  services to locations within Lagos.

E-book Manual on Production of Paint.

Charllychim Ventures, a registered firm in Nigeria, presents to you an opportunity to have an e-book manual on production of Paint (emulsion, textcoat and satin paint).
This e-book is carefully designed to teach step by step how to produce different types of paints and guide you to starting this lucrative business.
Paints like: Emulsion paint, Textcoat paint and Satin paint.

Learn basic skills E-book.

Charllychim Ventures, a registered firm in Nigeria, presents to you an opportunity to have an e-book called ‘BASIC ENTREPRENEURIAL SKILLS ’.
These e-books on basic entrepreneurial skills acquisition are carefully designed to teach step by step training on how to produce more than 30 products and guide you to starting this lucrative business.
Products like: liquid detergent, germicide, antiseptic, hair cream, body cream, petroleum jelly, toilet soap, after shave, shoe polish, toilet wash, bar soap and many other products.

Solve Your IT Problems

Our services include:

*Supplying and Repairing of Computer systems (Laptop, Desktop, Printer and Accessories)

* Software Solutions
* Hardware Solutions
* Security Camera installation for Home and office.
* Solar and inverter installation.
* Computer networking solutions.


Business Plan And Feasibility Study

The best way to set up and expand a business is to do proper planning for the business.

‘A well planned business stands the test of time and opens door for opportunities’
 Do you need a well written business plan with good product analysis, competition analysis and financial analysis to develop your business, grow your business, access fund and loan from microfinance banks, Bank of Industry (BOI), Bank of Agriculture (BOA) and other financial institutions to set up or expand your business?
Do you also need customized or readymade Business plan to benefit from Government Empowerment Programs?


Farmer usually select the facilities to match the crop to be produced. So also with catfish, the kind of water facilities determine how fish are to be raised. Likewise, the method of raising fish has considerable bearing on the planning and construction of facilities. And once a facility is established, it is usually not practical to quickly change to another facilities.
A catfish farm may have a combination of facilities unique to that particular farm. Economy, Usefulness and Productivity are important.
It is important to know the kind of facilities you will need before construction is started.

Things You Need To Get Started With Catfish Farming In Nigeria

The proper attitude 
In life, your attitude towards a thing always makes a difference between success and failure. To become successful in catfish farming, you must approach it with the right mindset. Don’t expect to start making millions immediately. You must be ready for the challenges that come with business, in this case, a catfish farm business.
No matter the amount of capital you have to invest in a business, if you don’t have a simple knowledge about it, you’re heading to utter failure. Never invest any money into catfish farming without taking the time to learn the strategies used in running a successful catfish farm. In order to get this knowledge, you need to partner with an experienced catfish farmer and also attend seminars and workshops pertaining to catfish farming.   
                                                             Good land
A good land for fish farming should be accessible by road, have a clean place for the farm house ponds and a good drainage system.
                                                               Reliable Water supply
The truth is, no water, no fish. You can’t successfully run a catfish farm if there is no reliable source of water supply near your location. You must ensure that there is a constant water supply because the fish cannot do without water. Overhead tanks must be mounted or a borehole system would be perfect.
  Pond construction
You can choose a plastic tank to minimize cost or you build a concrete pond. Without a well built pond, your business may fail in no time. So, don’t try to fix it yourself. Get the service of an experienced fish pond builder.
 We have a long way to go. Very positive contributions to make good profit to be made taking a cue from agriculture crop farmers, the good farmer look after their crops. Before planting they make sure the soil is well prepared. They select good soil or good seedlings. They water their young plants regularly and remove weeds. They use manure or fertilizer to increase growth and watch out for pests and diseases.
HARD WORK produces a good crop, but laziness or neglect will result in a poor harvest!

Demand for snail meat in Nigeria

Snail farming is one of the most lucrative farming Venture anyone can embark on in Nigeria. It is far easier than any other animal rearing business and twice more profitable too.
Snails are real source of wealth and the great thing about snail is that, its in high demand. If you have good quality of snails, hotel and eateries will literally queue on door for it because it is used for making very high priced nutritious delicacies.

Nutritional/Medicinal Value of Snail

Snail meat is high in protein than that of pig, poultry, fish cattle, sheep and swine. Iron content (45-59mg/kg), low in fat (0.05-0.08). and contains almost all the amino acids needed for human nutrition. 

Thursday 30 March 2017




Giant Africa Large Snails are hermaphrodite in nature by possessing both the male and female reproductive system. Here is a quick rundown of the reproduction stages:
Snail reproduction actually starts from this stage. Just like humans, this process involves the search/networking of two mature snails ready for the ceremony of mating.
This is the second stage in snail reproduction, having located the right partner. The snails begin the mating process, during which sperm are been reciprocally exchanged for the purpose of fertilizing each other. The mating ceremony can take as long as 5-15 hours for mating to complete.

Requirements Before Starting Snail Farming Business.

The farmer will need the following to start a snail farm – (The modified out-door system).
*Enough edible live snails.
 *A good site near his house with the right kind of soil and the right amount of water for the snails to live and grow.
*Enough food and shelter plants.

*The materials to build a pen for the snail.


There are two main systems of snail farming. These are: Indoor and Outdoor systems
Indoor System: This system involves raising snails indoors in pens located in a building. The snails are fed a mixture of fresh vegetables, concentrates, and other food materials. The system utilizes little space as the snails could be raised even in trays placed on shelves on the walls. In advanced management, the system allows for temperature regulation, controlled lighting, regular cleaning, and health care.
Out-door System:[/b]In this system, snails are raised out-doors on pastures. The snails may or may not be fed. The farmer has little control over the performance of the snails. The snails move about feeding on natural food materials.

How To Start Snail Farming in Nigeria.

Snail farming is very profitable in Africa and it is also one of the neglected animal farming business in the region.Snail farming provides great opportunity to make money with a very short time.But Africans have not really started engaging in this lucrative farming business because of ignorance.There is a believe in countries like Nigeria and Ghana that snails can only be picked in the bush, so they are finding it difficult to believe that snails can actually be reared and grown at home.
Africans are yet to discover the money making potential of heliculture.

Wednesday 29 March 2017


The Central Bank in conjunction with Bank of Agriculture and Bank of Industry plans to empower able Nigerians on fast yield crops such as cassava, maize, Tomatoes, Plantain, Cucumber farming etc.
The following shall be provided as assistance.
1.    Land
2.    Mechanized Farming tools
3.    Seeds and Contract to buy the produce from the farm
4.    Working Capital payable to run the farm and be available for training by IITA and Bank of Agriculture.

Monday 13 March 2017

Real Facts You Should Know About Greenhouse System of Farming.

1. Greenhouse is a protected structure suitably designed to grow valued vegetables and crops like Tomatoes, Cucumber, Capsicum, etc
2. Yield from greenhouse farming is 2-10times higher than open field.
3. There are many levels of greenhouse farming ranging from High technology, Medium Cost to Low Cost Greenhouse.
4. Low Cost greenhouse is built using local materials.
5. Some greenhouse materials cannot be replaced with our local materials.
6. Greenhouse agronomy is different from open field agriculture.
7. Greenhouse needs right specifications for different environment to get the best result.
8. Greenhouse is a guarantee for off season production.
9. Greenhouse produces last longer and have better quality.
10. Greenhouse produces are for target markets like supermarkets, Veggies Stores, Urban and Export.
11. Greenhouse technology involves a lot of money.
12. In greenhouse farming, the input of GH Growers, GH construction workers, Agronomists and GH technical Experts are very important for success.

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