Friday 19 January 2018

Kogi Will Give Land To Herdsmen For Cattle Colonies - Governor Yahaya Bello

The Kogi State Governor, Yahaya Bello has said his state is ready to be the pioneer testing ground for the cattle colonies being proposed by the Federal Government across the federation.
He reassured farmers and people of the state that it will be of immense benefits to farmers, citizens and residents of the state.
Governor Bello, who stated this yesterday in Lokoja in a statement by his Chief Press Secretary, Mrs. Petra Onyegbule, said the Federal Government was taking the decision as a measure to quickly curb the incessant bloody clashes between farmers and herdsmen.
The statement read: “The governor wishes to allay the fears of the citizens of Kogi State, especially on ownership of communal land, that the policy is never an indirect attempt by the Federal Government to take and handover ancestral land to herdsmen.
“To ensure that everyone is carried along in this process, Kogi State, through the Ministry of Agriculture, will soon be embarking on a series of stakeholders’ engagement to sensitise the people, farmers, cattle breeders and other stakeholders on the implementation of the new policy.

Wednesday 17 January 2018

Get a Business Plan to Set up And Expand Your Business

A business plan is a written description of your business's future, a document that tells what you plan to do and how you plan to do it. A well written business plan is an important part of starting and running a business. You need a well-developed business plan with good product analysis, competition analysis, market analysis and financial analysis to setup or grow your existing business, Establish strategy; allocate resources according to strategic priority, access fund and loan from the banks and other financial institutions.

Do you need customized or readymade Business plan to benefit from Government Empowerment program? CHARLLYCHIM BUSINESS SOLUTIONS are professional business plan developers. We have written business plans for hundreds of entrepreneurs, agropreneurs and companies nationwide that have raised millions of naira in capitals and generate millions in revenues. Don’t search for job, instead create job and achieve financial independence. If you are in Lagos we can meet.

Try us today, and you will be on a path to successful business.

Contact Charllychim Ventures Now:
Telegram/Whatsapp/Call, +2349023301229, +2349022561514

Thank you

Get a Business Plan to Set up And Expand Your Business

A business plan is a written description of your business's future, a document that tells what you plan to do and how you plan to do it. A well written business plan is an important part of starting and running a business. You need a well-developed business plan with good product analysis, competition analysis, market analysis and financial analysis to setup or grow your existing business, Establish strategy; allocate resources according to strategic priority, access fund and loan from the banks and other financial institutions.

Do you need customized or readymade Business plan to benefit from Government Empowerment program? CHARLLYCHIM BUSINESS SOLUTIONS are professional business plan developers. We have written business plans for hundreds of entrepreneurs, agropreneurs and companies nationwide that have raised millions of naira in capitals and generate millions in revenues. Don’t search for job, instead create job and achieve financial independence. If you are in Lagos we can meet.

Try us today, and you will be on a path to successful business.

Contact Charllychim Ventures Now:
Telegram/Whatsapp/Call, +2349023301229, +2349022561514

Thank you

Sunday 7 January 2018


Infectious diseases are the greatest risk to a commercial layer operation and attempts must be made to control and prevent disease. In most instances, the cost of treating clinical outbreaks of disease is enormous.

Sub‐clinical, mild or chronic disease also leads to losses due to poor performance of the affected flocks.

To detect disease in their early stages, it is important for the flock attendants to be aware of the daily status of the birds. They should judge this by the behavior of the birds, droppings, feed intake, mortality rates, etc.

Any signs of ill health should be reported immediately to a veterinarian who can make the correct diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment. Since most poultry disease have very similar manifestations diagnosis by the farmers is strongly discouraged.

A vaccination program to meet both area and individual farm needs is essential for flock health management. Vaccination programs need to be reviewed periodically and any changes approved by an experienced veterinarian.

Thursday 4 January 2018

Ten Things Farmers Should Do In The New Year

Happy New Year! We are excited about the prospect of working with you again this year to achieve great success and help meet your goals. We hope you enjoyed the festive period and spent time with family and friends.

We are sure that you have made resolutions for the New Year on improving on the past year and planned new goals, and we want to share some advice on what you should do in the New Year.

New Year resolutions are always made with great intentions to ensure that they are met, but most times these intentions are short-lived because they are very difficult to compromise on bad habits and stick to new behavior. 

You can, however, make a difference this year, and because we are very concerned about our farmers, we created a list of what farmers should do in 2018 that will make a positive difference.

As farmers, we learnt that it is not totally easy to stick to diet because you are always surrounded by food and most times livestock. Sticking to a specific diet is very important as it will ensure that you are healthier and smart in any season. We implore that you control eating without caution and make research on how you can create a diet from what you have around you.

Farmers always have plenty to do due to the nature of the job. Most times, the results gotten from a particular farming season are not encouraging because farmers tend to go all traditional and do what they know best without making a plan. Making a plan on how to go through a farming season is very important, it ensures that time is well spent and results are very encouraging.

Farms are sometimes located far from home during the farming season for a period. In 2018, you should spend more time with family and make plans on how to mix work and family time as it serves as a motivational hack.

Farmers have diverse opportunities to create other income streams. Some examples are investing in livestock, working on a new plantation and so on. Do not be overwhelmed by the thought of creating a new income stream. Start small and get the right people and resources, you will eventually get used to it.

Farmers sometimes are poor readers, because they are apparently always busy. Take time to read this year, if you can’t read a book, you can start with anecdotes, articles.
Knowledge is key, there is no limit to what you can learn.

The difference between the rich and poor is that one knows how to be financially savvy and the other does not. Create a financial plan that will help you save and invest wisely, this will help to increase overall income and sustenance of wealth.

In 2018, farmers should ensure that they create a network that encourages discussion, plans and sharing ideas. Farmers should not be stuck on their farms with problems when the solution is several yards away in a neighboring farm. Meeting new people is very helpful. It increases mental strength and confidence.

This is very important when you have direct customers. Learn to relate to your customers in a very polite way and listen to them carefully. You should also learn more about your crops so that you are not taken aback by some questions. Make them laugh, offer discounts and make them want to come back again.

Farming is not the easiest or safest job, however taking precautionary measures will help farmers to avoid hazards. Train workers to use machines properly and fix every technical issue. 

Most times, farmers record incredible crop yield but poor profit returns. This is due to lack of a proper marketing plan. So ensure you connect with the best market for your product through meeting people or other forms of marketing.

There we go! We hope that we have been able to help with some ideas on how to achieve greatness this year. We want to also work with you, so you can connect with us anytime to ask questions about the tractor tiller.

Happy New Year. Thanks for being part of our network.

Soil And Water Requirements ForTomato Cultivation.

Tomato is a popular vegetable and with the help of irrigation technology, this important crop can grow all year round.
Top tomato producing countries of the world are China 33.8; USA 12.5; Turkey 11.0; India 10.3; Italy 6.0.

Tomato is temperature sensitive and grow best in warm temperatures with a lot of light. Low levels of light usually reduced fruit yield.

Tomato can be classified as either determinate or indeterminate: Tomato crops that will ripe and harvest at one time are known as determinate whereas indeterminate crops will grow and produce fruit throughout the season.

Tomato grows very well on most soils as long as there is a good drainage. optimal soil PH is 6-7.5.
The tomato crop can develope a deep and well spread root system. It is important to fill up the soil profile up to 1.2m in heavy soil and 60cm in light sandy soil before planting.
The tomato plant is very tolerant to soil salinity. However, salinity above 3.0 milmoho/cm usually cause reduction in crop yield.

Disinfecting treatment should be applied every year to eliminate soil diseases.

Wednesday 3 January 2018

Africa Recorded Highest Hunger In 2017

The number of people experiencing food insecurity in Africa rose from 220 million people to 224 million people this year. The Food and Agriculture Organisation’s regional overview for the year attributes this to changing weather patterns that led to poor harvests, a loss of livestock, conflict and recurrent droughts.

Food security occurs when all people, at all times, have access to enough food to meet their dietary needs. To declare countries “food secure” analysts look at a combination of availability, access and utilisation.

Mauritius, South Africa, Ghana, Namibia and Senegal are among the top 10 most food-secure countries on the continent. This is attributed to the use of new crops and agricultural production technologies.

But ultimately the ability to achieve food security depends on political will and the effectiveness of government and national strategies in the agricultural and food sector.

Though the 2017 rise in food insecurity is disheartening, some African countries have made progress over the last decade. And there were some initiatives from this year that deserve a special mention for the precedents they set.

Innovation and technology

Several countries recorded improved food production because of modern technologies provided by governments, aid agencies or entrepreneurs. These included:

the adoption of improved seed varieties,

modern equipment, and

fertilisers or better practices such conservation agriculture.

In Ethiopia, for instance, farmers increased wheat yields by 14% as a result of newer agricultural technologies.

In Rwanda, farmers reported increased productivity due to solar-powered irrigation technology.

In Nigeria, increased agricultural productivity was linked to the use of smart and affordable tractors by smallholder farmers.

And in Kenya, the practice of conservation agriculture has taken root, resulting in bigger yields.

Equally important are the growing number of innovations in financing. To improve productivity, and achieve food security, farmers must be able to invest in technology.

But, many African farmers live below the poverty line. They can rarely borrow from formal financial institutions as they don’t have collateral. Today, only 6% of total bank credit on the continent goes to agriculture.

Tanzania addressed this challenge by rolling out a toolkit that allows farmers to pre-pay for discounted agricultural inputs using mobile money. Farmers are also provided with customised plans that guide them on how to maximise crop yields.

New policies

This year several African countries strengthened and launched new agricultural policies. These play a key role in improving food security. For example, policies can lower the cost of agricultural input prices by introducing subsidies. Or they can allocate resources in a way that benefit farmers – like road construction for market access.

The Nigerian government deserves mention for some key initiatives it introduced this year.

For starters it launched the National Policy on Food and Nutrition which allocated 92 billion Naira (US $290 million) to the agricultural sector. Policies were also enacted that gave farmers access to agricultural inputs and provided them with modern equipment at subsidised prices. One example is a a fertiliser initiative that delivered over 4 million bags of fertiliser to farmers at affordable prices. This meant more farmers could buy fertiliser, giving them bigger yields.

In terms of areas of policy areas, 2017 turned out to be a good year for irrigation.

Only 7% of Africa is irrigated. In Nigeria’s case the potential irrigable area is 21 million hectares (about the size of Italy) – with only 200,000 hectares currently irrigated.

This year the Nigerian government completed irrigation projects covering over 33,000 hectares of land.

And things are set to improve even further following a World Bank announcement that it’s investing US $495 million in irrigation.

1 Million Man Mushroom Awareness Campaign 2018

Do you know mushroom production and consumption is one area of agriculture that hasn't been fully explored over the years
Instead of crowding in a fully developed agribusiness niche which is now resulting gluts, stiff competition, and market monopolization, Let us join forces together and move for massive production and consumption is of mushrooms at home.

Different species of mushrooms and mushroom spawn is being imported into Nigeria from different companies in Europe daily, the mushroom niche also has various value chains that can be tapped to make huge profit, some of the value chains are:
1. Spawn Production
2. Mushrooms Cultivation
3. Mushroom Processing
4. Mushrooms Marketing
I just have to keep it simple and brief else the list is endless.

The highly loaded nutritional and medicinal benefits of mushrooms makes it stand out amongst other crops. Gone are the days when you didn't eat shrooms because you weren't sure of always getting it from the wild, it is now available at home close to you just like catfish and other agro-products.

If you need more information on any of the niches, including where to buy mushrooms at any state or location you are, consultation and training of any kind, feel free to call in 
08126678769 or email
I wouldn't stop until mushroom niche is fully established and popularized in this country.


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