Friday 20 September 2019

Basic Equipment Needed For Snail Farming

For ease and proper management of your snail farm, use the following equipment:
They include the following:

1. Water tanks
Snails need water every now and then, so you need to always have water available in your snail farm.

Keeping a large water tank on your farm will ensure that you always have provision for water.

Read the Full Article Here:

2. Wheelbarrow
With a wheelbarrow, you can comfortably move large quantities of snail at harvest. You can also use a wheelbarrow to move larger quantities of soil to the farm site.

Another important use of wheelbarrow is for moving the snail feed from one snail cage to another. Especially when the farm is too large to be carrying heavy loads around.

Basic Equipment Needed For Snail Farming

For ease and proper management of your snail farm, use the following equipment:
They include the following:

1. Water tanks
Snails need water every now and then, so you need to always have water available in your snail farm.

Keeping a large water tank on your farm will ensure that you always have provision for water.

Read the Full Article Here:

2. Wheelbarrow
With a wheelbarrow, you can comfortably move large quantities of snail at harvest. You can also use a wheelbarrow to move larger quantities of soil to the farm site.

Another important use of wheelbarrow is for moving the snail feed from one snail cage to another. Especially when the farm is too large to be carrying heavy loads around.

Wednesday 18 September 2019

Herbal Hips And Butt Enlargement Supplement

Need a rounder, firmer and lifted Breast and buttocks?
With Bobaraba Breast and Buttock / Hip Syrup, that is guaranteed.
The Breast and Buttocks are important parts of a woman's body whose skin loses elasticity very easily giving a bad ageing look.
If you’re embarrassed and tired of the saggy and rippled appearance of your Breast and Buttocks and how it makes you look and feel… now you can finally do something GOOD about it.Clinically proven to stimulate fat and give you curves in all the right places,
Bobaraba Breast and Buttocks / Hip Syrup utilizes not one, but two clinically proven technologies which are proven to increase volume as well as lift and firm body contours.
Beautiful, sexy Breast and buttocks do not have to be a fantasy! Ability to firm and shape specifically the breast and buttocks / hips.

Mighty Pure And Undiluted Organic Honey -500ml, 1 Litres And 5 Litres

Mighty pure organic undiluted 

HONEY which helps with memory, boast immune system, heal skin burnt, heal herpes, moderates sugar level, help you sleep well, cure acne, diabetes, relieve morning sickness, used for burn treatment, bad breath

face mask, strengthen nails, relieve acid reflux, balance blood sugar, natural cough syrup, dark circle remover, reduce the appearance of scars, treat yeast infection, treat allergies, highly nutritious, absolutely healthy for consumption, natural food sweetener, easily digested, 

provides quick ENERGY, reduces FATIGUE, contains all the 22-nutrients needed by mankind for complete and perfect health

100%HONEY with no man-made additives, stockpile for emergency, add honey+lime+ warm water you will sleep like a baby. 

Distributors Needed Nationwide For These Polystyrene Products

Cushioned solution to your packaging needs

Durable and Long lasting
Lightweight packaging material meaning reduced fuel costs and fuel emissions
Thermal insulation properties of EPS help keep food fresh and chilled through the distribution chain.
Outstanding shock absorbency and compression, providing excellent protection for your products during transportation.
Versatile - packaging can be moulded into any shape or form to meet your products protection and insulation needs.

Contemporary Step-by-step Guide To Non-oil Products Export Business

Tectono Ventures Limited, a reputable and reliable brand in petroleum products supply, global trade, properties marketing and internet marketing/advertisement, presents to you an opportunity to get a practical a book entitled Contemporary Step-By-Step Guide to Non-Oil Products Export Business. This is a 124-page book that shows systematically how to set up export activities up to when the foreign exchange is repatriated.

Get a Business Plan to Set up And Expand Your Business

A business plan is a written description of your business's future, a document that tells what you plan to do and how you plan to do it. A well written business plan is an important part of starting and running a business. You need a well-developed business plan with good product analysis, competition analysis, market analysis and financial analysis to setup or grow your existing business, Establish strategy; allocate resources according to strategic priority, access fund and loan from the banks and other financial institutions.

Get a Business Plan to Set up And Expand Your Business

A business plan is a written description of your business's future, a document that tells what you plan to do and how you plan to do it. A well written business plan is an important part of starting and running a business. You need a well-developed business plan with good product analysis, competition analysis, market analysis and financial analysis to setup or grow your existing business, Establish strategy; allocate resources according to strategic priority, access fund and loan from the banks and other financial institutions.

Saturday 14 September 2019

What Will You Do With 2.5 Million Naira In Agriculture?

A friend of mine wants to invest 2.5million naira here in agriculture,
he is a succesfull business man and also an importer of electronics gadgets and phones,
now he wants to try his luck on agriculture expecially farming,
he said real time farming made his grandparents rich back in the days in the village without any modenized equipment or tools been sold nowadays.

The thing is, he is based in lekki lagos state but sometimes travels out oversees for business.
He wishes to partner with any farmer that can really give him good results.

He already has an empty 15 acres of land in ogun state currently doing nothing for him.
Originally the land was been bought so he can build a massive warehouse there to store goods.

This little idea of his was been brought up when he read in the news lately how some nigerians lost all their life savings and investments in south africa,

Cost Analysis/How To Setup Plantain Plantation In Nigeria With Pictures

What is a Plantain?
Plantains are a member of the banana family. They are a starchy, low in sugar variety that is cooked before serving as it is unsuitable raw.

Unlike starting other tree farms, starting a plantain farm and growing plantain are easier and less complicated.
Although growing plantain still requires ones attention, the level of skill required is not as intensive as other trees.
Here are a few guidelines in growing plantain and starting a plantain farm.

Making Millions From Sesame Seed Value Chain

How do you become a player in sesame seed business without having millions in your account? Is it even possible? Ofcourse it is very possible to start from nothing and grow into millions even billions in the sesame seed value chain business. These are the four most vital requirements that are needed to be a player in this business.
1. Passion
2. Working knowledge
3. Phone
4. Bank account
It is passion that first of all drive you in this business you need to be passionate to learn about the business. The working knowledge in this business depends on which level you want to enter the business. You can’t do this business without communication, so you phone connects the bridge between your suppliers, the farmers, and other stakeholders in the business. The bank account is for your transactions and to keep your millions.
Sesame seed is the second most sought after cash crop in Nigeria after cocoa, Nigeria is the second largest producer of sesame seed in Africa, and ranking seventh in the World. Other African countries also producer sesame seeds are Chad, Sudan, Ethiopia, Niger, mail, Kenya and Burkina Faso.

The Automated Coscharis Rice Mill, Igbariam, Anambra State (Photos)

Behold the modern, impressive and fully automated Coscharis Rice Mill, Igbariam, Anambra State

With a daily milling capacity of 60 tonnes and a yearly capacity of about 40,000 tonnes, the rice mill co-owned by the Anambra State Government and Chief Cosmas Maduka, an Nnewi-born billionaire businessman and owner of Cosharis Motors, construction was started in 2017.

The construction of this rice mill was aided by the enabling environment created by Gov Willie Obiano whose passion for agriculture, investment in security and the Akulue-uno drive ensured that this great milestone was achieved.

Converting farmland into pasture???

Use bout 12 to 16 lbs of Japanese Millet per acre, 1/2 bu of oats and 1/2 bu of wheat as your cover crop.

Also mix in some red and alsike and white clover, for sure add some grazing ( rizhomous ) alfalfa.

Add brome, Russian wild rye, big and little bluestem, Indian grass, some prairie wild flowers.

add some western wheatgrass and perhaps intermediate wheat grass.
add a decent shot of orchard grass.

Welter Seed and Honey , Cascade Iowa is likely your best seed source.

also Albert Lea Seedhouse at Albert Lea Minnesota is a decent source at times.

All seed counts per pound are on the Internet. And w 43560 squ ft per acre.

Do some math, build yourself a nice Mixture....just mix w a scoop shovel in a metal water tank works, btw.

The Key to a good stand is Seed to Soil Contact....And shallow shallow planted grass and legumes.

say just use a fertilizer spreader to broadcast your seeds,
you should be able to get 1 at the local coop w gas engine on it....pull it w a 4 wheel drive pickup perhaps.

Or just buy a broadcast seeder that fits right on the rear of your pickup....those are cheap new and usefull forever.

Once seeds are broadcasted on just disc lightly....very lightly and a single disc pulls behind a pickup just fine.   Then drag it in.  Say drag 2 to 4 times.
btw w a Heavy drag you won't need to disc lightly.

Do it right and seed runs bout $30 per acre.
Your Income by haying the Japanese Millet will run bout $50 per ton Net, at say 10 to 15 tons per acre.

Structure And Performance Of Single Row Corn Harvester

The structure of Aike single-row corn harvester is very simple. Compared with other corn harvesters, its characteristics are very prominent. The failure rate is very low and the stability is very strong, which is widely recognized by users. Our factory China walking tractor single-row corn harvester can directly installed on a single-cylinder small four-wheel tractor with 18-30 horsepower. It is easy to operate and flexible. It can use in tractors to harvest corn when it is busy. Demolition does not delay the normal use of the tractor. The single-row corn harvester for walking tractors can complete the work of harvesting, picking, smashing, smashing and returning the field at one time, and adding a straw and other work as needed. It is ideal equipment for corn harvesting. Now Aike mechanical walking tractor single-row corn harvester for sale, welcome everyone to come and buy.
Operation Process OF Single Row Corn Harvester

Friday 13 September 2019

Top 5 Agriculture Businesses in Nigeria

The demand for agricultural products both in Nigeria and the world at large will always be on the high side because food is one of the basic needs of man. Thus, as an entrepreneur, you can key into this demand and set up an agro business, creating enormous wealth for yourself.
There are many reasons every young aspiring entrepreneur should look into agriculture. There are endless opportunities in agriculture and more people are starting to realize that, especially young people. Here are the five top agriculture businesses to look at:

Catfish Farming

Catfish is a unique type of fish rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids which helps in managing the human cholesterol levels.
The numerous health benefit of this species of fish makes its demand higher among health-conscious eaters especially people above the age of forty. Restaurants, fast food joints, hotels, food courts (shopping malls like Shoprite), local pepper soup joints, market women, secondary and tertiary institution of learning and offices are possible markets for any entrepreneur venturing into catfish farming in Nigeria.
The profitability of catfish farming depends on how much you are willing to invest as an entrepreneur.

RecipeFriday: Quick Chicken Vegetable Sauce

Do you want a quick sauce with wow factor? delicious yet completely fitfam approved. This chicken vegetable sauce recipe is totally for you! I first prepared a variant of this sauce over 2 years ago, you can find that recipe here.
This is an updated version with a lot more sauce. This sauce is pretty much magic especially if you are on a budget, you get to prepare a big batch with just a handful of ingredients. Lots of people tried this when I first posted it on Instagram with rave reviews, you definitely should as well.

6 Tips for Growing Peppers - How to Grow Hot and Sweet Peppers

Planning to grow peppers this season? Great! Peppers are chock-full of good flavor and nutrition. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you reap your best pepper crop ever, whether you’re starting with your own transplants or planting ones you bought at your local garden centre.

8 Fruits You Did Not Know Grew In Nigeria

A few years ago, while on holiday in our mother’s village, my brothers and I went swimming in the stream. On our way home, we came across a tree with ripe bouquets of velvet tamarind. It looked so enticing we decided to pluck a few for ourselves. We were so focused on trying to bring down some of the low-hanging fruits from the branch we did not notice the swarm of soldier ants we just disturbed. Long story short, in a few minutes, we were dancing, scratching and running from the serious stings we got from these shockingly deadly insects. Now that you are done laughing at my not-so-funny misfortune, here is a list of amazing Nigerian fruits most of us did not know were grown in our beautiful country.

How to Grow Perfect Sweet Potatoes in Your Backyard

These tubers can flourish in even the poorest conditions with just a little bit of TLC.

In the garden, on a trellis, or in a container, sweet potatoes are a beautiful plant. The delicious tubers in the fall just come as an added bonus to the lovely foliage and flowers.
Sweet potatoes grow well in a sunny vegetable garden, but you can also grow them in other parts of your home landscape.
Try them as a temporary groundcover or a trailing houseplant. In a patio planter, a sweet potato vine will form a beautiful foliage plant that you can harvest roots from in the fall.
This warm-weather crop grows worldwide, from tropical regions to temperate climates. The flesh is classified as either moist or dry. Moist, deep orange types (sometimes called yams) are more popular with home gardeners, especially the varieties Centennial and Georgia Jet.
Sweet potatoes are also remarkably nutritious and versatile; each fleshy root is rich in vitamins A and C, along with many important minerals. Use them raw, boiled, or baked, in soups, casseroles, [desserts], breads, or stir-fries — and don’t forget to try some homemade sweet potato fries!


Thursday 12 September 2019

How to access and get agriultural loans in nigeria

The daily decline in the Nigerian economy has driven the country to take agriculture more seriously than ever before. Irrespective of this public clamour for farming, a lot of farmers in Nigeria still have a large problem getting access to agric loans, despite the fact that the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) has allocated about 200 billion Naira to fund the agricultural sector. While this may be a major mishap, it also means that funding is now available for every farmer or investor looking to expand or get into the sector.
The first problem farmers experience is not getting the loan, but being informed on how to properly gain access to the agricultural loan.
This has led to growing concerns in the country, with many farmers stipulating that they have no access to the agricultural loan facilities being disbursed.
The purpose of this article is to show you exactly what it takes, what to do, and how to approach the proper financial and government institutions to secure a loan for your agricultural business.
The first thing you need to know is the type of agricultural businesses that have access to the agric loans. While some do, others don’t. Some of the agricultural products that can give you access to agric loans in Nigeria are: cassava farming, fish farming, poultry farming, cotton farming, oil palm farming, pig farming, maize farming, rice farming, snail farming, and a lot more.

The next step is you need to visit your state’s Bank of Agriculture (BOA) 215 to know the full agric loan requirements, and how you can proceed with your application for a loan.

How to start a profitable pig farming business in nigeria

pig farming business

Pig farming business is one of the most lucrative livestock production businesses in Nigeria. We will talk about pig farming business in this article, covering the basics you need to start your own profitable pig farm. Pig farming business is one of 50 Agriculture business ideas covered in an earlier article. You want to check it out when you are through reading this.
You probably just ‘ winked your nose’ at the thought of pigs. Yes, they are dirty animals, no doubt. But what if I told you that pig farming business guarantees an 80-100% return on your investment, that you could buy piglet from local farmers for as low as #3,000-5,000 and, after all is said and done, sell a fully matured pig for as high as #40,000-80,000? Now imagine selling 5 fully matured pigs in a day. Do I have your attention now?
As with everything else, the devil is in the details so let’s get some details on pig farming business, shall we?

10 lucrative farming in nigeria that is profitable

Farming in Nigeria has taken a dramatic turn to a better direction in recent years, creating jobs and opportunities for entrepreneurs who dare to go into farming business. Millionaires are currently being made every year through farming in Nigeria and there is certainly no end to the prospects of creating more wealth through farming in the coming years.

There are good reasons why farming in Nigeria is doing very well. Understanding these reasons will help you (no matter where you come from) to think seriously about setting up farm in Nigeria.
  1. There is no any other African country where Farming is as viable as it is in Nigeria in terms of productivity and profitability.
  2. There is no other country where farmers are more advantaged as they are in Nigeria as regards demands for the produce. Take a look at my top five reasons why you must start Farming in Nigeria now.

Why Farming In Nigeria?

(1) Nigeria has a huge population of over 200 million people, twice more than the populations of Zimbabwe and South Africa combined. The entire population of Nigeria depends on staple foods produced from farms and other farm produces for their daily meals and sustenance. More than 80 percent of Nigerians buy their farm produce from the market.

Why start an organic farming business?


There are loads of business opportunities in the commercial farming industry and organic farming is one of them. Organic foods are known as one of the world’s healthiest foods and are eaten in all continents of the world.
Organic farming is known to be a profitable business that has evolved from small scale to a global industry in most countries where it is carried out. Countries like The United States of America, Germany, China, Japan, Ireland, Australia et al are known to be in the forefront when it comes organic farming.
Starting an organic farming business comes with its own fair share of challenges, but that does not rule out the fact that it is indeed a profitable business venture. An aspiring entrepreneur can either choose to start an organic farm on a small scale cultivating organic vegetables and fruits, or on a large scale cultivating organic crops and livestock.

If you have decided to go into organic farming, you should carry out thorough feasibility studies and also market survey. Business plan is yet another very important business document that you should not take for granted when launching your own business.

Vegetables You Can Use as Natural Remedies

Ask people what plants they envision when they hear the word “remedies,” and often they’ll talk about the leaves, bark and roots of obscure herbs. Humans love to put things in categories. We have food plants, decorative plants and still others that we make into teas for natural health. Look a little deeper and you find the boundaries for these categories can be a little fuzzy.

Did you know your garden is filled with vegetables you can use as “remedies?”

I refer to more than the idea that your food is your medicine. It’s true that vegetables contain valuable vitamins and minerals. Their nutrition alone can support ongoing health, and they can help bring us back into balance when needed. I’m talking about something more. Many vegetables have properties over and above their nutrition. We can apply these to illness the same way we would grab a handful of mint to make a tea for indigestion. It probably goes without saying, but these remedies are best if you choose or grow chemical-free or organic vegetables.
Here are a few of my favorites and how to use them.

1. Okra

This is among my favorite plants to grow, for its beauty and because it equals fried okra. If you’ve ever handled the okra fruit you’ll know how slimy it is. A few years ago I was speaking to a crowd in Kansas about natural ways to manage healthy blood sugar levels. Afterward, a man originally from the Philippines told me of a very effective folk remedy there for diabetes. Health benefits include lower blood sugar, healthy insulin levels, arthritis relief, better digestion, and lower cholesterol and triglyceride numbers.
If you want to try okra for his purpose, cut five to six pods in half and soak them overnight in a glass of water. Drink it first thing in the morning. You can add seasoning or additional juices if you want to make this a habit and don’t enjoy the taste or texture.

2. Cabbage

Cabbage has long been used as a poultice (topical application of the plant). I have recommended nursing mothers place cabbage leaves in their bras for milk duct infections. I’ve given this advice many times with great results. The leaves of cabbage contain anti-inflammatory compounds.
They are even used in some countries to wrap arthritic joints for pain and swelling relief. To get the best results, lay out a few cabbage leaves and remove the large and stiff veins. Lay your leaves flat between two pieces of plastic wrap and use a roll a rolling pin across their entirety until a bit juicy. Place the leaves directly on any part of the body that is inflamed, infected or swollen and cover with plastic wrap and a clean bandage.

3. Potatoes

Potato poultices are incredibly common throughout written history. In my book, Heal Local , I share an old remedy with scientific backing in the section on skin infections. Our skin, when healthy, is a diverse community of bacteria including those characters we hear only bad things about. When an opportunity for infection appears, organisms such as staphylococcus can proliferate and create a problem.
A very simple and effective solution to draw out infection and heal a wound is placing grated potato on the area and covering it with a clean bandage. Whenever you use any kind of natural poultice to draw out infection, it is important to change it often for fresh material and bandages.

Benefits of unripe pawpaw water and seeds

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Photo: Source: UGC
Health benefits of pawpaw seeds
First, let’s start with the benefits of pawpaw seeds. It turns out that they are really great for our health, and here are seven areas they are most helpful in:

  • Fighting parasitic infections. Unripe pawpaw seeds contain lots of papain, a proteolytic enzyme that can help you get rid of such parasites as intestinal worms. Not only does it dissolve the fibrin and protective biofilm covering the parasites and their eggs, but it also normalises the intestinal ecology, which makes it less hospitable to them.
  • Liver cirrhosis treatment. Pawpaw seeds are known to be a great tool in the treatment of cirrhosis, as well as in general liver detoxification. They can also protect your healthy liver from any prospective damage. In order to enjoy this benefit, you simply need to grind some seeds (up to 10), mix them with lime/lemon juice (about a tablespoon) and a glass of water. Drink it twice a day for a month, and you will be able to notice the results soon. However, consult your doctor before doing this.

Wednesday 11 September 2019

Advantages And Where To Buy Original Pure Honey In Nigeria

Honey is a sweet, thick liquid made by honeybees.
The bees collect sugar — mainly the sugar-rich nectar of flowers — from their environment.
Once inside the beehive, they repeatedly consume, digest and regurgitate the nectar.
The end product is honey, a liquid that serves as stored food for bees. The smell, color and taste depend on the types of flowers visited.
Nutritionally, 1 tablespoon of honey (21 grams) contains 64 calories and 17 grams of sugar, including fructose , glucose, maltose and sucrose.
It contains virtually no fiber, fat or protein.
It also contains trace amounts — under 1% of the RDI — of several vitamins and minerals, but you would have to eat many pounds to fulfill your daily requirements.
Where honey shines is in its content of bioactive plant compounds and antioxidants.

John Godson's Pilgrim Ranch Loses N15m As Goats & Dogs Were Poisoned In Abia

A Polish politician of Nigerian descent, Hon. John Godson, has lamented after losing 17 Boer goats and 3 Boerboel Dogs to poisoning. The former and first black lawmaker in Poland who is the Founder and CEO of Pilgrim Ranch in Umuahia, Abia state - revealed that an investigation is underway to uncover those behind the poisoning as he lost over 15 million naira in the process.

Below is what he shared on his social media page;

How To Setup & Establish Your Own Cashew Farm(With Pictures)

Cashew farming is a very lucrative one which require a diligent effort from land preparation to growing seedlings up to the harvest stage.

I will be sharing some of the important things you need to know and do, in the course of setting up your cashew farm.

This is important because cashew takes minimum of 2 and half years to start fruiting after planting and once you get it right from the beginning, you will continue to enjoy it's dividends.

Someone call me from oyo town recently to come and help check his cashew farm. He complained bitterly that his cashew trees are not fruiting but bring out flowers.
On getting there,i discovered that the trees are very close to each other, no proper spacing, poor ventilation, etc. Now its too late to correct.

This article will cover
1.Getting the right hybrid seedlings
2.Land preparation and Spacing
3.Farm operation activities
5.Exportation of Cashewnuts etc

Saturday 7 September 2019

Cassava Production: And A List Of Companies That Buy Cassava Tubers In Nigeria

Cassava is a tropical plant that serves as a major source of carbohydrate. Cassava was introduced to Africa in the Congo basin by the Portuguese in the year 1558. Cassava as a plant has been cultivated for centuries initially for human consumption and more recently cultivated and used as animal feed, ethanol and starch. With cassava viewed as a crop on the top priority list of food security its commercial value is still down played and also, its value along the Cassava Value Chain has been minimal. However,in recent years that has changed. The commercial value of cassava has greatly increased and this has contributed to the high demand.


The African staple food consists majorly of root and tuber crops. It is processed into several forms such as Gari (for making Eba a popular food in Nigeria), Fufu, Tapioca and Starch. The cassava plant gives the third highest yield of carbohydrates per cultivated area among crop plants. Cassava plays a particularly important role in agriculture in developing countries, of which Nigeria is one of them. Cassava is a rugged plant and does well on good soil and with low rainfall, because it is a perennial. If well cultivated, maintained and properly harvested there is high percentage that there will be a high return on investment because it is a plant that is highly resistant to weed, pests and diseases especially if its the specie called white cassava (TME 419). Flour that is derived from cassava is used in making biscuits and bread. Cassava starch has also been industrially processed into products such as custard etc.
Cassava contains high protein and condensed tannin.It is also used as roughage for dairy or cattle,goats, and sheep.


cultivating cassava totally depends on good soil and drainage, the field can be prepared as mounds, ridges,or flat tilled. Where mechanization is available, the land is ploughed and harrowed and this makes labor to be easier and faster. However, planting on flat soil, requires cuttings directly into the ground.

Healthy, fresh stem cuttings from mature plants are best for planting. Cassava stem cuttings are vulnerable to adverse climatic conditions such as dry weather, pests, and diseases. If exposed to sunlight,stem cuttings dry up and lose viability.Equally excess rain washes away the top soil and leaves the embedded stem exposed.

Slow initial development of sprouts makes cassava susceptible to weed competition in the first 3-4 months. Regular weeding is required till the crops are able to form canopy and reduce weed infestation.Weeding should be done at least three times before the time for harvest.
It is advisable to practice organic farming whereby fertilizers and pesticides are not used co that the crop is not contaminated and thereby becomes dangerous to health. Cassava production should be encouraged by Government and the private sector to enhance productivity.

Harvest time for the cassava comes as soon as tuberous roots have accumulated sufficient amount of starch.
when tuberous roots become woody or fibrous. Depending on the variety it could be harvested between 7 to 12 months after planting. Most cassava varieties are ready for harvest at about 18 months. Optimum time for harvesting cassava varies according to time of planting.
Manual harvesting involves cutting the stems a few centimeters above the ground, and then loosens the soil around the tuberous roots, and pulls the stub of the stem to lift out the root.
Mechanical harvesters are available to uproot tuberous roots, which are then picked by hand.
Harvesting is easier when the soil is moist or when planting is on ridges rather than on flat ground.
However, for good and high growth and yields, cassava requires light textured and well-drained soils containing sufficient moisture and a balanced amount of plant nutrients. After harvest what next.

Are you looking for companies to buy cassava from you, here is a list of companies that buy cassava in Nigeria.

plstary international Limited

Thai Farm International

Matna Foods Company Limited

Nigerian Starch Mills Limited

GreenTech Industries Limited

Ekha Agro Farms Limited

For more information contact us on whatsapp 08182557434: Mobile 08074710174.

click here and

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