Tuesday 29 December 2020

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Monday 28 December 2020



The health benefits of coconut water are amazing.
From the oil to the milk, coupled with its skin and water, each
component of coconut has its own miraculous health benefits.
And when combined together, there's no doubting the fact that they can become lifesaving.
However, in order not to split our attention,
we shall concern ourselves today with just the health benefits of coconut water.
According to scientific studies, coconut is a natural water filter which takes almost nine months to filter every quart of water
stored within its shell.
Owing to this, the resulting water becomes completely pure and sterile.
It is also important to note that coconut water has the highest concentration of electrolytes than anything else found in nature.
Electrolytes, on the other hand, are responsible for keeping the body properly hydrated so the muscles and nerves can function appropriately.
With this in mind, it is safe to state that it is more beneficial and a hundred times healthier, to drink the water from a young
coconut rather than those chemicalized energy drinks, after an intense workout.
Studies have shown that coconut water is a great beverage for
keeping blood pressure under check. And this was observed
when coconut water was given to people with high blood pressure.
The result of the exercise would see 71% experiencing significant improvements in systolic blood pressure, which is the higher
number of a blood pressure reading.
Apart from the result of the above study, coconut water is known to contain an impressive 600 mg of potassium in 8 oz (240 ml), and potassium has been shown to lower blood pressure in people with high or normal blood pressure.
Naturally, our bodies are bestowed with the ability to do their cleansing and detoxification on their own. But this ability can be
weakened if the body is not provided with the correct nutrients and hydration.


has many important vitamins and minerals. The leaves have 7 times more vitamin C than oranges and 15 times more potassium than bananas. It also has calcium, protein, iron, and amino acids, which help your body heal and build muscle. 
๐ŸŒฟStir it into your water. Hot or cold water works, though it might go down easiest in warm water mixed with a little lemon and honey. 
 ๐ŸŒฟ Steep it as a tea.
 ๐ŸŒฟ Mix it into smoothies. 
 ๐ŸŒฟ Sprinkle it into soups. 
๐ŸŒฟ Bake it into anything.
 ๐ŸŒฟ Shake it into your salad dressing.




COMPONENTS :Pumpkin is highly nutrients leaf, it is rich in vitamins A, B2, C2_and vitamin E but low in calories, it is also rich in calcium, iron, potassium, manganese, it is high in protein.
1. It helps in maintenance of healthy teeth, bones, soft, tissue, mucus membranes and skin.
2. It aids in the formation of connection tissues, bones, blood clothing factors.
3. It promote the energy level in the body .
4. It helps in the body building and repairs tissues, hormones and help in the breakdown of enzymes.
5. It gives mineral that is necessary for life and blood clothing.
6. It helps in lowering blood pressure by balancing out the negative effects of salt.
7. It is also necessary for normal brain and nerve



Do you need fast blood?

Get this leaves, it's called parquetina nigrescens.
Ewe Ogbo in Yoruba
Is still the fastest blood supplier I have ever know, during pregnancy.. After surgical Operation or as the need be. It supply blood like no other blood capsule usage or pharmaceutical multivitamins.
Just squeeze the leaves, don't add any water please, Extract the juice and add half or full tin of Milk depending on the quantity.. Drink it once a day for three days.
After 3rd days, go and check your Packed Cell Volume Test (PCV). The result will amaze you.
Also this leaves Mix with something else also cure stomach ache, sperm leakage in woman.



One of the well-known uses of the bitter leaf is that it is a remedy for stomach ache. You can either chew on the tender part of the plant stem or leaf stalk or swallow the bitterness. Also, you can pound the leaves and squeeze out the juice from the leaves. Put three tablespoons of the juice in a small cup, add a pinch of salt to it and drink it. The stomach ache will be relieved just in a matter of minutes.
Bitter leaf is used for treating malaria, typhoid fever, and also diarrhea.
It is also good for the blood and lymphatic system. It has strong medicinal properties that help to clear the blood and lymphatic system of impurities. This is achieved by drinking the juice squeezed from fresh bitter leaf occasionally.
It is also helpful in people with hypertension in keeping their blood pressure low.
It is helpful in the management of diabetes. It can be effective in lowering blood glucose level.
It is used as traditional medicine for the remedy of many infections and diseases such as sexually transmitted infections, pneumonia, skin exanthemas such as eczema, ringworm, etc.
Another popular medicinal use of bitter leaf that you can find anywhere is that it is very helpful for people with prostate cancer. It helps to relieve symptoms associated with this disease such as difficult and painful urination known as dysuria. By taking a glass cup of juice from bitter leaf squeezed in water four times in a day. It helps to increase the flow of urine, reduce pain and also regulate and slow down the spread of the neoplastic cells.
It is also a proven remedy for treating insomnia.
Some studies show bitter leaf also helps to boost chances of getting pregnant, i.e., it enhances fertility.

Friday 18 December 2020

FG Engages 17,000 Youths In Rabbit Farming


The Federal Government on Wednesday announced the commencement of its programme on rabbit farming that would engage 17,000 youths across the country.

It made the announcement through its National Agricultural Land Development Authority, noting that the programme had already commenced in some states, as it would engage more participants in the southern part of Nigeria.

The Executive Secretary, NALDA, Paul Ikonne, told journalists in Abuja that the agency would provide the rabbits, cage, vaccine and training for participants free of charge.

He said the first set of beneficiaries would be required to bring back the kitten from the rabbits they train so as to be used in the empowerment of other youths.

Ikonne said, “The President had inaugurated the national young farmers’ scheme, and we intend to take in 774,000 young Nigerians into the entire agribusiness. This programme has started implementing the first leg, which is our animal husbandry.

“In this segment, we are doing goat and rabbit rearing. A lot of people do not know the potentials, the benefits and the money they can make from rearing rabbits. Rabbit has an entire value chain, nothing is a waste farming rabbit.”

He added, “So we are engaging our youths into rabbit farming, NALDA has designed a programme to take in 17,000 rabbit farmers especially in the South, and we have commenced the engagement in some states.”

Ikonne said the first phase of the programme had commenced in Imo, Abia, Cross River and Oyo states, as selected youths in the states had received rabbits and had commenced farming.


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Where To Find Buyers, Distributors And Suppliers Of Farm Produce

  Do you know business owners in the agriculture and food industry?

Are you an agribusiness owner?

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Snail Farming, The Untaped Gold Mine


Hello every one.if short term of investment is consider, snail farming should be the best. Once you are known to be a snail farmer, demand will come in. The average price per snail is sold for a thousand naire, imagine you raise hundreds or thousands of it, that is you are on your way to financial freedom.
Little wonder why people dont rear snails though it is very lucreative, ignorance must have played a role to that.

Would you take up a paid employment than owning your own business? Trust me i have being there, there is noting like owning your own businesss
Snail farming is not capital and management intensive, expecially when compared to poutry and cat fish farming. You can start small from your backyard and grow big.

Snail farming is a very lucreative business all it takes is for you to get the right training.

Monday 7 December 2020

Wild olive, MAGIC, ART cooking, Payments for conservation, ICARDA barley, Canary barley, Enset, Mexican relicts, Data management, Bumblebee map


New seed treatment protects canola against early infection of blackleg

  new seed treatment from Syngenta specifically targets foliar infection of blackleg in canola with a new mode of action, adding another tool in the blackleg management toolbox.

“[Saltro] really has nice fit in an integrated management system with crop rotations and, of course, the genetics play a key role,” says Ted Labun, technical lead for seed treatments with Syngenta Canada.

This new seed treatment is unique in that it controls the foliar infection of canola by blackleg. Previous seed treatments control seed-borne blackleg only.

“We know that the most critical time for that infection is at the cotyledon to one-leaf stage,” says Labun. “So the seed treatment is very systemic and moves into those cotyledons and that first leaf and gives that protection,”

Blackleg is a very diverse disease, and has many races. It overwinters in canola stubble and can be in the current field that you’re planting, which makes rotation so important. Blackleg was first identified in the mid-70s on the Prairies and really spiked in the 80s, says Labun.

Conditions for infection are the most important factor — ample moisture at planting, wounding on cotyledons as an entry wound, and weather conditions are all factors determining ease of infection.Saltro was registered this summer and will be available for the 2021 planting season to seed companies across Canada. Labun suggests contacting your local retail to see what varieties will be available with the seed treatment.


U.S. Department of Commerce imposes large tariffs on Russian- and Moroccan-produced phosphate

The North American fertilizer industry has been waiting for a decision by the U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC) on the tariff rates of phosphate entering the U.S. These tariffs address Mosaic’s complaint to the DOC that phosphate fertilizer imports from those countries were unfairly subsidized by their respective governments. Final rulings on the rates are set for February and April after further U.S. government reviews. In an interview in October, Jake Niederer, director of sales and marketing with ADM Company, said “Canada pulls from the same origin sources as the U.S. and most of the fertilizer produced in North America comes from the east coast of the U.S. and central Florida. If imports are blocked off to compete in the U.S. market — in other words putting a duty on those products — that’s going to drive the price up.” DOC duty rates have been announced and they are BIG: Morocco – 23.46% Russia – 20.94 – 72.5% (depending on producer) The rates seem to be flipped but it is announced that way. Should mean Morocco/Russia DO NOT come to the U.S. direct. Trade flows remain inefficient for U.S. — Josh Linville (@JLinvilleFert) November 24, 2020 According to information supplied to RealAgriculture, the preliminary rates include: 72.5 per cent applied to Industrial Group Phosphorite LLC (EuroChem); 20.94 per cent to Joint Stock Company Apatit (PhosAgro); all other Russian producers/exporters at 32.92 per cent; Morocco’s OCP at 23.46 per cent; and all other Moroccan producers/exporters 23.46 per cent. The decision was to be released November 23, but was released November 24, one day later than scheduled. Josh Linville, director of fertilizer at StoneX, at Kansas City, is not sold on all the predicted outcomes. “After the announcement the paper was up 10 – 15 per cent per short ton over the day prior but this puts into place inefficient trade flows as production has not been cut globally,” he says. Linville has been watching prices rise ($100 per ton) since June in anticipation of this decision, but even with the tariff rate, Morocco may still be able to afford to ship to the U.S. Hear Shaun Haney’s discussion with Josh Linville, Director Fertilizer with Stone X about the Department of Commerce decision: https://www.realagriculture.com/2020/11/u-s-department-of-commerce-places-large-tariffs-on-russian-and-moroccan-produced-phosphate/

New cereal plant growth regulator cleared for launch in Canada


Cereals growers have a new tool to help manage yield and quality losses attributed to plant lodging.

Syngenta Canada announced this week that it has received registration for Moddus, a plant growth regulator (PGR) that helps strengthen stems to reduce lodging risk in wheat, barley, and oat crops.

Crops that lodge may suffer lower yields due to poor grain fill and lost grain. As well, growers often have to contend with delayed harvests, heavier workloads, increased grain cleaning, drying and storage costs. Lodged crops may also be more susceptible to disease infection, which impacts quality.

“We know that lodging means major headaches and reduced income,” says Eric Phillips, Syngenta Canada’s fungicides and insecticides product lead, in a press release announcing the product registration. “With Moddus, we are providing a solution that improves harvestability, lets growers push for higher yields and ultimately, get more in the bin.”

Moddus contains trinexapac-ethyl, an active ingredient with years of proven use in managing cereal crop lodging around the world, notes Phillips. The new PGR works by redirecting the plant’s production of gibberellic acid, a hormone responsible for growth, to reduce cell elongation. This results in plants with shorter, thicker stems and improved overall standability, says Syngenta.

Phillips adds that lodging can occur under both favourable, high moisture conditions, or in severe weather, such as heavy winds. Lodging is also influenced by variety selection, soil type, fungal diseases and fertility (nitrogen) rates.

Moddus will be available for the 2021 growing season.


TELUS Agriculture is investing $1 million in Olds College’s 2,800-acre Smart Farm.


TELUS Agriculture is investing $1 million in Olds College’s 2,800-acre Smart Farm.

The investment will support the development, acceleration, and integration of technology into the global agri-food value chain. It will also support the goals of more efficient and sustainable food production with fewer inputs and reduced waste.

The Olds College Smart Farm will act as TELUS Agriculture’s living lab to conduct applied research, and test the real-world application of new technology in a commercial-scale agriculture setting.

Stuart Cullum, president of Olds College, says that partnerships like these provide a unique opportunity to make a significant impact on the advancement of the agri-food industry.

“The Olds College Smart Farm was launched to be a next generation applied research and learning platform, where industry and students could engage in order to produce the next generation of leaders and leading companies. We are grateful to TELUS for their partnership and investment in our Institution and students,” Cullum explains.

Established in 2018, the Smart Farm provides agriculture and technology industries with an innovative ecosystem to focus on the challenges and opportunities that farmers face daily.

As a commercial-scale sandbox to test technology, companies like TELUS can work with industry to develop, scale, validate and demonstrate products that will support the sustainable production of food and other agriculture products for the growing global population. In addition, the Smart Farm offers students – the next generation of agriculture talent – the opportunity to learn and use new agtech in a cutting-edge, practical environment.

Chris Terris, vice president of global strategy for TELUS Agriculture says the Smart Farm helps them understand the realities and challenges that farmers are facing, and how technology can optimize food production and increase yields.

“With the launch of TELUS Agriculture, we made a commitment to invest in the agriculture industry, to drive technology adoption and innovation for better land stewardship, industry-wide profitability and more sustainable, efficient food production,” says Terris. “Investing in, and partnering with Olds College is a truly unique and win-win opportunity for TELUS Agriculture. We are proud to support the continued opportunities for innovation, education and collaboration that the college has built.”


Richardson announces new elevator in northwest Alberta

Richardson has announced plans to build a new high throughput grain elevator at Huallen, Alta, with construction to be completed by fall of 2021. The Richardson Pioneer elevator — located 35 kilometres west of Grande Prairie — will have 45,000 metric tonnes storage capacity, with a loop track design capable of loading 150 cars. Following completion of the elevator, a retail crop inputs facility will be added to the site and is set to be operational in late 2022. The inputs facility will host a high-speed fertilizer blender, and a 10,000-square foot AWSA certified warehouse. Tom Hamilton, senior vice-president of agribusiness operations with Richardson Pioneer, says they look forward to building strong partnerships with producers in the area, providing grain marketing expertise, and efficient delivery options. “The county of Grande Prairie is one of the most productive regions in Western Canada,” says Hamilton. “The addition of the crop inputs site will enable us to provide a full-service option for both grain and agronomics. This will include offering our customers leading seed, fertilizer, and crop protection technology in addition to year-round support with CropWatch agronomic services and CropMatrix digital services.” This announcement follows closely on the heels of the recent completion of a high throughput elevator at High Level. https://www.realagriculture.com/2020/12/richardson-announces-new-elevator-in-northwest-alberta/

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