Thursday 4 January 2018

Soil And Water Requirements ForTomato Cultivation.

Tomato is a popular vegetable and with the help of irrigation technology, this important crop can grow all year round.
Top tomato producing countries of the world are China 33.8; USA 12.5; Turkey 11.0; India 10.3; Italy 6.0.

Tomato is temperature sensitive and grow best in warm temperatures with a lot of light. Low levels of light usually reduced fruit yield.

Tomato can be classified as either determinate or indeterminate: Tomato crops that will ripe and harvest at one time are known as determinate whereas indeterminate crops will grow and produce fruit throughout the season.

Tomato grows very well on most soils as long as there is a good drainage. optimal soil PH is 6-7.5.
The tomato crop can develope a deep and well spread root system. It is important to fill up the soil profile up to 1.2m in heavy soil and 60cm in light sandy soil before planting.
The tomato plant is very tolerant to soil salinity. However, salinity above 3.0 milmoho/cm usually cause reduction in crop yield.

Disinfecting treatment should be applied every year to eliminate soil diseases.

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