Saturday 7 September 2019

Cassava Production: And A List Of Companies That Buy Cassava Tubers In Nigeria

Cassava is a tropical plant that serves as a major source of carbohydrate. Cassava was introduced to Africa in the Congo basin by the Portuguese in the year 1558. Cassava as a plant has been cultivated for centuries initially for human consumption and more recently cultivated and used as animal feed, ethanol and starch. With cassava viewed as a crop on the top priority list of food security its commercial value is still down played and also, its value along the Cassava Value Chain has been minimal. However,in recent years that has changed. The commercial value of cassava has greatly increased and this has contributed to the high demand.


The African staple food consists majorly of root and tuber crops. It is processed into several forms such as Gari (for making Eba a popular food in Nigeria), Fufu, Tapioca and Starch. The cassava plant gives the third highest yield of carbohydrates per cultivated area among crop plants. Cassava plays a particularly important role in agriculture in developing countries, of which Nigeria is one of them. Cassava is a rugged plant and does well on good soil and with low rainfall, because it is a perennial. If well cultivated, maintained and properly harvested there is high percentage that there will be a high return on investment because it is a plant that is highly resistant to weed, pests and diseases especially if its the specie called white cassava (TME 419). Flour that is derived from cassava is used in making biscuits and bread. Cassava starch has also been industrially processed into products such as custard etc.
Cassava contains high protein and condensed tannin.It is also used as roughage for dairy or cattle,goats, and sheep.


cultivating cassava totally depends on good soil and drainage, the field can be prepared as mounds, ridges,or flat tilled. Where mechanization is available, the land is ploughed and harrowed and this makes labor to be easier and faster. However, planting on flat soil, requires cuttings directly into the ground.

Healthy, fresh stem cuttings from mature plants are best for planting. Cassava stem cuttings are vulnerable to adverse climatic conditions such as dry weather, pests, and diseases. If exposed to sunlight,stem cuttings dry up and lose viability.Equally excess rain washes away the top soil and leaves the embedded stem exposed.

Slow initial development of sprouts makes cassava susceptible to weed competition in the first 3-4 months. Regular weeding is required till the crops are able to form canopy and reduce weed infestation.Weeding should be done at least three times before the time for harvest.
It is advisable to practice organic farming whereby fertilizers and pesticides are not used co that the crop is not contaminated and thereby becomes dangerous to health. Cassava production should be encouraged by Government and the private sector to enhance productivity.

Harvest time for the cassava comes as soon as tuberous roots have accumulated sufficient amount of starch.
when tuberous roots become woody or fibrous. Depending on the variety it could be harvested between 7 to 12 months after planting. Most cassava varieties are ready for harvest at about 18 months. Optimum time for harvesting cassava varies according to time of planting.
Manual harvesting involves cutting the stems a few centimeters above the ground, and then loosens the soil around the tuberous roots, and pulls the stub of the stem to lift out the root.
Mechanical harvesters are available to uproot tuberous roots, which are then picked by hand.
Harvesting is easier when the soil is moist or when planting is on ridges rather than on flat ground.
However, for good and high growth and yields, cassava requires light textured and well-drained soils containing sufficient moisture and a balanced amount of plant nutrients. After harvest what next.

Are you looking for companies to buy cassava from you, here is a list of companies that buy cassava in Nigeria.

plstary international Limited

Thai Farm International

Matna Foods Company Limited

Nigerian Starch Mills Limited

GreenTech Industries Limited

Ekha Agro Farms Limited

For more information contact us on whatsapp 08182557434: Mobile 08074710174.

click here and

1 comment:

  1. Hello,

    If you want to go into cassava farm business, There are so many company website this days like that will enable you as a beginner to raise the fund you need to start up your cassava farm business without you seeking for a loan.

    This company is where many business dealers from all over the world generate fund that backup their various businesses financially.

    I used this company to backup my cocoa beans export business each time my business is running down.

    You can visit and register with the company website here to raise the fund you need now to go into your cassava farm business now.


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