Saturday 8 April 2017

How Nigerian Farmers Can Export Agricultural Products.

1.The first step is to register a company limited by share.
2. You will have to register with NAFDAC.
3. You will also need to design and register a trade mark to distinguish your product (optional)
4. For export you will need NEPC registration.

The Nigerian government through the Nigerian  Export Promotion Council is increasingly encouraging Nigerian industrialists, businessmen and agriculturists to export more non-oil products so as to grow the country's export index, create jobs, and in the long run stabilize Nigeria's economy.

The  potentials of non-oil exports are largely untapped due to over dependence on crude oil exports which generate an estimate of over 90% of Nigeria's exports.
Following the recent resolve by the Nigerian government to give more support to agro-allied products, the costs of exporting farm produce and other related products from Nigeria will be favourable, thereby making the export market for agro-allied products more promising.
From statistics, the non-oil products Nigeria exports most are cocoa, palm oil, cassava, rubber, wool, cotton, wood logs (Iroko and Mahogany), groundnut oil, cashew, garlic etc.

To export any products from Nigeria, there is a need to know everything about export business and most importantly the goods you wish to export, so you must do a survey to equip yourself with all the necessary information needed. You must answer the following questions:

(a) Which product is in high demand outside Nigeria, and is readily available in Nigeria?
Can i easily source them and not disappoint my oversea partners waiting for me?
Is the demand for the goods high enough to be worth goint into the business?
(b) How do i establish foreign contacts and customers so as to quickly sell my goods outside Nigeria?
Which country or countries will be the best to export my goods because of high demand by customers? Do i have the capacity to advertise my products overseas in countries of high demand?
(c) What means of transportation should i employ to export my goods?
(d) What is the cost (export duties and levies) of exporting my products from Nigeria?
Can i afford to use flight to export perishable goods knowing it may be capital intensive?
(e) Legal requirements, What are those conditions my company and/ or my goods must meet before they are cleared? Who clears my goods before they are transported outside Nigeria and on what conditions?What government agency/department certifies my goods okay for exportation and which one am i expecting to register with? These questions and many more questions must be answered by you in the course of your survey. Remember to go into intensive research.
It is advisable you meet and network with like-minds who are in the same line of export business to learn from their mistakes and strengths before you embark on exportation of goods to foreign countries from Nigeria.

There are many government agencies, departments and ministries that cerify goods fit to be exported. Chibyke global is the best shipping company  or cargo airliner to export your perishable goods abroad from Nigeria.

To give your business credibility and prestige, there is a need to register your business. This can be achieved simply by visiting the Corporate Affairs commissions (CAC).

Remember that you will be dealing with alot of foreigners, and in the quest to convince them to patronize you, they may need to check out your business with CAC and if CAC doesn't have any imformation on your company, they will assume you are a fraud.

It is often said that trust is not a business challenge overseas, but in Nigeria, trust is an issue because of Nigeria's 'not-too-good' image abroad. So, there is a need to register your business if you wish to export goods to foreign countries from Nigeria so as to win customers trusts.

There may also be the need to show your foreign partners your certificate of incorporation to win their trust and do business with you without fear. Also, you need to register with Nigerian Export Promotion Council (NEPC). since you are going into non-oil exportation business.

As it is often said in businesses that,'customer is king' Now you are in the business,you should know that no business ever survives without customers as most businesses depend on them to at least break even. So, you must look for the right means to search and win customers.
Design a website and advertise it on web search engines like google, it increases your chance of being found online when oversea customers  abroad searches for' cocoa exporting companies in Nigeria', If you are into cocoa exporting business, your company will automatically appear on the options on google.
They will click on the link and read more about your company. This is a quick way to get clients.Also go to people who are into similar business and collaborate with them. Some of them may give you the  right connection especially if they don't have the capacity to meet high demands of their customers.
You must have a functional website that will display all your products, contact numbers, email addresse, and all the necessary information a client will need to contact you, Therefore, searching for customers from the internet and meeting  people are key if you wish to export goods to foreign countries from Nigeria.

Also, you must  be willing to attend seminars to meet export business tycoons and stakeholders and speak with friends and family members who are based overseas to discuss your new business. They may have some advice for you or even give you the right connection to the people you need.This way you will get the right connection to boost your business.

Other requirements Needed to Eport Agro Products to Foreign Countries from Nigeria:
(1) A completed form of NXP issued by Nigeria Custom Service.
(2)A proforma invoice. An estimated invoice sent by seller to a buyer in advance of shipment or delivery of goods. It contains information such as transportation charges and quantity of goods with their values.
(3) Sales agreement and NEPC Registration Certificate (where applicable)
(4) Relevant Certificates of Quantity as issued by relevant agencies.
(5) Shipping documents like bill of exit, bill of landing etc.

In summary, exportation of goods to foreign countries from Nigeria is a good business but just like every other profitable business, most exportation businesses are capital intensive and involves alot of risks.

As written by Barr. Akinola.

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