Wednesday 5 April 2017


1. Marketing: The ability to market pigs at the right time will be the determine factor to success of commercial pig production. Marketing has been identified as number one constraint to increase commercial pig production.
Individuals who have fewer pigs to market always find it easy and does not have problems but this is not the case for those farmers who have large amount because you must think of marketing when you consider selling many pigs.

Different ways of marketing pigs:

(A)Private sales:This involves selling of one or more pigs to butchers, middlemen, other pig producers or the local consumers. The pigs are sold live and the prices are normally subject to bargaining. This method is common among small scale pig farmers. To ensure adequate prices for pig farmers, they should join marketing cooperative.

(B)Public sales:This is a process of selling pigs at a central location by auction to the highest bidder.

(c) Direct sales: This involves selling of pigs to butchers directly without  middlemen.This method is widely used by large scale pig farmers.Fluctuation of price is a serious problem in this system of pig marketing.

(d) Contract sales: Under this method you can sign contract with some abattoir around you for constant supply of a certain number of pigs over a period of time  at a set price.This will allow you to plan your strategy of production over a long period of time Also fluctuation of prices can be a problem in this system of sale.

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