Friday 9 March 2018


Herbicides are chemicals used to execute weeds (undesirable plants) that have a tendency to contend with the developed harvests. Herbicides can be specific or non-particular. Every one of these gatherings can be sub-isolated into three to be specific;





These are weed executioners which by their substance arrangement are equipped for acting bio-synthetically on either wide leaved weeds or grasses. They are utilized predominately in monocropping circumstances.

Be that as it may, when these herbicides are utilized as a part of high focus, they have a tendency to have phytoxic impact on developed yields. Specific herbicides that murder grasses just are Alachlor, Pendimenthalin and so forth likewise those that execute expansive leaves weeds just are Atrazine, Imasaquine and so forth.

Cases of particular business herbicide are:

Basamaize for maize.

Ronster for rice.

Galex for cowpea, soyabeans, groundnut.

Basegram for rice and maize.

Cotoran for cassava.

Primextra for maize, cassava and yam.

Diuron for yam and cassava.


These are also called add up to weed executioners. They are utilized for weed control in any weed mix in the field, they will murder any sort of vegetation. Illustration is Glyphosate (Round-up).


CONTACT HERBICIDES: These are kinds of herbicides murder any vegetation or weeds promptly after application. They stop every single organic action. E.g paraquat, gramoxone, basta and so forth.

FOUNDATIONAL HERBICIDES: These are moderate activity compose whose impacts are not seen until few days or week after application. Their impact is a careful however steady slaughtering of most persistent and enduring weeds. They can move around the transportation and translocation frameworks to accomplish an aggregate slaughter e.g Glyphosate.

REMAINING  HERBICIDES: These are soil acting weed executioners whose consequences for weed control are principally as photosynthetic inhibitors. They can have both pre and post rise movement; they are connected to the dirt after development and successfully control sprouting weed seeds. Cases are zimazine, Diuron and so on.


PRE-PLANTING HERBICIDES: This can be a foliar; specific or non-particular herbicide, connected before the harvest is planted. Cases are Glyphosate , Paraquat.

PRE-EMERGENCE HERBICIDES: These are connected in the dirt before the rise of weeds, promptly after development e.g Galex + Metolachar utilized for cowpea, Cotoran utilized for cassava and so on.

POST EMERGENCE HERBICIDES: These are connected after the rise of weeds and can have both contact and fundamental activities, yet typically particular so as not to have phytoxicity impact on developed yield. Illustrations are Laddox in maize, Paraquat, Propanil, Glyphosate.

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