Saturday 7 December 2019


1.0 Executive Summary

   Spices like ginger, garlic, pepper and vegetables are major crops produced in Nigeria. They are perishable in nature and have a limited shelf life. It is seasonal and become very scarce and expensive during its off season, its short life and inadequate processing and preservation leads to revenue loss to the farmers.

   Nigeria is the second largest producer of tomato and spices in Africa and 13th largest in the world. Currently our production is about 1.170 million tonnes of tomatoes at an average of 25 to 35 tonnes per hectare. Despite this advantage Nigeria still imports processed spices to the tune of 65,809 tones value at N11.7 billion in 2010.

   The reason for this is well known, as not less than 50% of the spices and other crops produced in the country is lost due to lack of preservation, poor storage, transportation risk and absence of technology to harness these resources.

The market for spices is national. Nigeria has a large market for spices, with a population of over 160 million people and an estimate national population growth rate of 5.7% per annum, an average growth rate of 3.5% per annum in the past five years.

  Tomato is rich in vitamin A and C and also fibre, and it is cholesterol free. Tomato fruit boast of only 10 calories in every 42.28 grams. You can now see that Tomatoes is very important in our diet.

Tomato and pepper and other spices being a seasonal crop sells between N450 to N1200 in it season and between N3000 to N7000 at off season. This huge price differential makes it glaring that there will be huge return on investment in this sector.

Materials required for primary processing:

 Grinding machine, filter, thermometer, Refract meter, pH meter or papers, tables, knives, vessel, pots, water source etc.


Our vision is to be one of the largest producers of spices and other food products in Nigeria, Africa and world at large.

1.2 our mission statement:

It is our mission to offer quality and excellent services that our customers will not be able to get anywhere else by making use of the best equipment and competent manpower. We also intend to provide the best customer service so that our customers not only come back, but refer new client to us as well, thereby giving us an edge over our competitors.

div style="margin: 0in 0in 0pt;"> 1.4 OUR CORE VALUE:

We believe that the first essential component of social justice is adequate food for all mankind.

We believe also that satisfying our customers is the essence of our existence.


The key to success are:

·        Satisfy our customers so they will return again and again.

·        Maintain low overhead and operating costs.

·        Provide better prices than all our competitors.

The Products:

1.     Tomatoes powder

2.     Onion powder

3.     Ginger powder

4.     Garlic powder

5.     Dry locust beans/powder

6.     Black pepper

7.     Dry herbs

8.     Dry vegetables

The above listed products will be packaged in powdered form and in:

i.                    5g

ii.                 10g

iii.               100g

iv.               250g

v.                 Vegetables – ugu, spinach, lettuce

1.1 Necessary Steps to Undertake in Production of Processed Tomato (weighing)

Selection of raw materials for processing:

Fresh, matured and uncontaminated tomatoes, pepper, onion, ginger and garlic are used for processing. Especially without infected bruises, mould and must be of high quality (good specie). According to United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)(2011) Roma VF (and UTC Tomato) verity have been identified to be the best for processing into powder because they are fleshy and have relatively low water content.


All raw food and materials should be handled with care in order to avoid bruises and damages. Foods should be kept off the ground and protected from insects. Raw materials should be kept cool by storing them away from moisture. Bruised but not infected tomatoes can also be processed but putting in mind that bruises encourage infestation


Correct weighing of raw materials and ingredients is critical in processing. This step together with adequate mixing of ingredients has the most important effect on both quality of the product and uniformity of the batches of products.


Food is sorted by maturity and colour. Sorting should be done as early as possible by picking to remove any mouldy or rotten tomato.


Washing in clean portable water.


The raw materials and ingredients are dried in the sun or using machine.


The dried raw materials are grinded and packaged.


Packaging is one of the most efficient ways to tell a product’s story; the information of the package is the only massage that stays with the product all the way from the producer to the consumers. Packaging agricultural produce means wrapping or containing it in some form of material that will protect it during storage, transport, or and distribution (Fellows, 2011). A well designed graphics and clear information on a quality packaging material can make a strong connection and creates a brand identity. The main aim of packaging is to keep food in good condition until it is sold, or consumed (FAO, 1992). Packaging materials protects the product by providing tampering resistance and special physical, chemical and biological needs. It also shows the nutritional information on the food being consumed. A proper, standardized package of standard weight and suitable quality will create a better consumer appeal and a higher return to the processor.

Why Packaging and Labeling

 Packaging is a means of providing the correct environmental conditions for food during the length of time it is stored and or distributed to consumers; a good package according to Ackerman (1997) has to perform the following functions among others:

1. For physical protection: The production enclosed in the package may require protection from mechanical shock, vibration, compression, temperature etc.

2. Barrier Protection: It is a bars oxygen, water, vapour, dust; it keeps product clean, fresh, sterile and safe for the intended shelf life.

3. Containment: small objects are typically grouped in one package for reason of efficiency. For example, a single box of 50 ticks of matches requires less physical handling than 50 single sticks. Liquids, powders and granular materials need containment.

4. Information Transmission: Package and labels communicate information such as; how to use, ingredients, name of producer, production site, production date, expiry date, net weight, how to dispose package or product etc.

 5. Marketing: The packaging and label is use to encourage potential buyers to purchase the product

6. Security: Packaging can play an important role in reducing tampering risk in shipment, and reduce the risk of pilferage

7. Convenience: Package can have features that add convenience in distribution, handling, stacking, display, sale and disposal.

8. Portion control: Single serving or single dosage packaging has a precise amount of contents to control usage. Bulk commodities such as sugar can be divided into packages that are more of a suitable size for house hold.

1.4Types of Packaging

Packaging are categorized by their layer or function hence, we have:

i.                   Primary Packaging:

This is the material that first covers the product and holds it, this is usually the package that is in direct contact with the content

 ii.         Secondary packaging:

This packaging is outside the primary packing, it is often used to group primary packages together. iii. Tertiary packaging: This is used for bulk handling and for ware house storage and ship transport


Expected Yield from Raw Material

Yield specifies the percentage of output (Finished Product) as compared to the input (Raw Material). Yield is mainly dependent on the following factors:

1. Strict quality control on raw material and production processes.

2. Type of plant

3. Processing methodology

3.0 Project Cost

N100, 000

4.0 Project Implementation Period

1 year

5.0. Market Analysis: The analysis provides the minimum marketing targets the entrepreneur should aim to achieve. It is expected that these targets will be surpassed easily.

Potential customers: Walk-in-customers, Restaurants, hotels, and Boarding schools, wholesalers and mail order customers (export).


Company Ownership: Ownership models recommended for this type of business are:

Sole proprietor: in which the business is owned by an individual, the owner-manager. If you already have some skills in this field and have acquired basic education, then this is the best option for you.

Partnership: this form of ownership arrangement involving 2 to 4 partners (we do not recommend more than 4 partners) it may be necessary where you do not have the right mix of skills to run the business successfully. The partners could come with required skills.

Partners can also be taken into the business in order to raise additional funds for its operations.

5.1 Market Analysis: The analysis provides the minimum marketing targets the entrepreneur should aim to achieve. It is expected that these targets will be surpassed easily.

Potential customers: Walk-in-customers, Restaurants, hotels, and Boarding schools, wholesalers and mail order customers (export).

Our Target Market

In carryout a thorough research, we were able to site our business in Lagos state, Nigeria due to the various hotels, restaurants, boarding schools and wholesalers in the state. The location also brings us in close proximity to other states within the region where there are several agricultural farms.

Our competitive Advantage

From thorough research which we carried out and due to the profit viability of this business, several agricultural products processing businesses have sprung up not only in Lagos but in other regions to offer stiff competition as well.

Our research did not look into what sort of competition we were likely to have but also what their weaknesses were so that we could come up with strategies that would ensure we have competitive advantage over them and become the best spices processing plant for our target customers.

One of our competitive advantages is ensuring that we are strategically located. Our production plant is not only located close to good roads, making it easier for our customers to reach us, but our storage facilities which are spread all over also located in strategic points enabling us to attract and retain customers.

We also intend to hire the only best hands to help run the business, but also employees that understand the vision and philosophies of our business and know how this translate to offering the best customer service to our clients. We intend to ensure that our working conditions are the envy of other employees from our competitors.



Cost (N)
Grinding Mill (Stainless steel)
Big Bowl
Small bowl
Big Pot
Packaging (Bottles, stickers and cartons)


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